diff options
authorLibravatar Unit 193 <unit193@ubuntu.com>2019-12-05 16:34:57 -0500
committerLibravatar Unit 193 <unit193@ubuntu.com>2019-12-05 16:34:57 -0500
commit2e8ae7e0b8f5a0e034d049ead63a60a3572e81b0 (patch)
Import Upstream version 2.23upstream/2.23
2 files changed, 1182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/listadmin b/listadmin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..585cd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/listadmin
@@ -0,0 +1,984 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+# listadmin version 2.23
+# Written 2003 - 2005 by
+# Kjetil Torgrim Homme <kjetilho+listadmin@ifi.uio.no>
+# Released into public domain.
+use HTML::TokeParser;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use MIME::Base64;
+use MIME::QuotedPrint;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Term::ReadLine;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use strict;
+my $rc = $ENV{"HOME"}."/.listadmin.ini";
+my $oldconf = $ENV{"HOME"}."/.listconf";
+sub usage {
+ print STDERR <<_end_;
+ -f CONFIGFILE Read configuration from CONFIGFILE.
+ (default: $rc)
+ -t MINUTES Stop processing after MINUTES minutes. Decimals are
+ allowed.
+ LISTNAME Only process lists with name matching LISTNAME.
+ exit (64);
+my $term;
+my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent ("timeout" => 600);
+upgrade_config($oldconf, $rc);
+our ($opt_f, $opt_t);
+usage() unless getopts('f:t:');
+$rc = $opt_f if $opt_f;
+usage() if defined $opt_t && $opt_t !~ /\d/ && $opt_t !~ /^\d*(\.\d*)?$/;
+my $time_limit = time + 60 * ($opt_t || 24*60);
+my $hostname = `/bin/uname -n`;
+# Turn on autoflush on STDOUT
+$| = 1;
+my $config = read_config ($rc);
+unless ($config) {
+ exit (0) unless prompt_for_config ($rc);
+ $config = read_config ($rc);
+my @lists = ();
+if (@ARGV) {
+ if (defined $config->{$ARGV[0]}) {
+ push @lists, $ARGV[0];
+ } else {
+ @lists = sort config_order grep { /$ARGV[0]/o } keys %{$config}
+ }
+ if (@lists == 0) {
+ print STDERR "$ARGV[0]: no matching list\n";
+ usage();
+ }
+} else {
+ @lists = sort config_order keys %{$config}
+my ($from, $subject, $reason, $spamscore);
+format STDOUT =
+From: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ $from
+Subject: ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ $subject
+~~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ $subject
+Reason: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Spam? @<<
+ $reason, $spamscore
+for my $list (@lists) {
+ my $user = $config->{$list}{"user"};
+ my $pw = $config->{$list}{"password"};
+ if (time > $time_limit) {
+ print "Time's up, skipping the remaining lists\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ print "fetching data for $list\n";
+ my $info = get_list ($list, $config->{$list}{"adminurl"}, $user, $pw);
+ my %change = ();
+ process_subscriptions ($list, $info, $config->{$list}, \%change);
+ approve_messages ($list, $info, $config->{$list}, \%change);
+ if ($config->{$list}->{"confirm"}) {
+ if (scalar %change) {
+ redo_confirm:
+ my $c = prompt ("Submit changes? [yes] ");
+ if ($c =~ /^\s*(\?+|h|hj?elp)\s*$/i) {
+ print <<_END_;
+Nothing will be done to the messages in the administrative queue
+unless you answer this question affirmatively.
+ goto redo_confirm;
+ }
+ if ($c =~ /^\s*(no?|nei|skip)\s*$/i) {
+ print "skipping ...\n";
+ next;
+ } elsif ($c !~ /^\s*(|ja?|y|yes)\s*$/i) {
+ goto redo_confirm;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ commit_changes ($list, $user, $pw, $config->{$list}{"adminurl"},
+ \%change, $info, $config->{$list}{"logfile"});
+sub process_subscriptions {
+ my ($list, $info, $config, $change) = @_;
+ my %subscribers = ();
+ my $num = 0;
+ for my $req (keys %{$info}) {
+ if (exists $info->{$req}->{"subscription"}) {
+ $subscribers{$req} = $info->{$req}->{"subscription"};
+ delete $info->{$req};
+ }
+ }
+ my $count = keys (%subscribers);
+ my $def = $config->{"subdef"};
+ my $prompt = 'Accept/Reject/Skip/Quit';
+ $prompt .= " [" . uc($def) . "]" if $def;
+ $prompt .= " ? ";
+ subscr_loop:
+ for my $id (sort keys %subscribers) {
+ last if time > $time_limit;
+ ++$num;
+ print "\n[$num/$count] ========== $list ==========\n";
+ print "From: $subscribers{$id}\n";
+ print " subscription request\n";
+ my $ans;
+ while (1) {
+ $ans = $config->{"subact"};
+ $ans ||= prompt ($prompt);
+ $ans = "q" unless defined $ans;
+ $ans =~ s/\s+//g;
+ $ans = $def if $ans eq "";
+ $ans = lc ($ans);
+ last subscr_loop if $ans eq "q";
+ next subscr_loop if $ans eq "s";
+ if ($ans eq "a") {
+ $change->{$id} = [ "sa" ];
+ last;
+ } elsif ($ans eq "r") {
+ my $r = prompt ("Why do you reject? [optional] ");
+ unless (defined $r) {
+ }
+ $change->{$id} = [ "sr", $r ];
+ last;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR <<end;
+Choose one of the following actions by typing the corresponding letter
+and pressing Return.
+ a Accept -- allow the user to join the mailing list
+ r Reject -- notify sender that the request was turned down
+ s Skip -- do not decide now, leave it for later
+ q Quit -- go on to approving messages
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub approve_messages {
+ my ($list, $info, $config, $change) = @_;
+ my $listdef = $config->{"default"};
+ my $spamlevel = $config->{"spamlevel"};
+ my $ns_from = $config->{"not_spam_if_from"};
+ my $ns_subj = $config->{"not_spam_if_subject"};
+ my $dis_from = $config->{"discard_if_from"};
+ my $dis_subj = $config->{"discard_if_subject"};
+ my $dis_reas = $config->{"discard_if_reason"};
+ my $count = keys (%{$info}) - 1; # subtract 1 for globals
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $prompt = 'Approve/Reject/Discard/Skip/view Body/view Full/jump #/Help/Quit';
+ my @num_to_id = grep { ! /^global$/ } sort keys %{$info};
+ msgloop:
+ while ($num < $count) {
+ last if time > $time_limit;
+ my $id = $num_to_id[$num++];
+ $from = $info->{$id}{"from"};
+ $subject = $info->{$id}{"subject"} || "";
+ $reason = $info->{$id}{"reason"};
+ $spamscore = $info->{$id}{"spamscore"};
+ print "\n[$num/$count] ========== $list ==========\n";
+ write;
+ while (1) {
+ my $ans;
+ my $match = "";
+ if ($spamlevel && $spamscore >= $spamlevel) {
+ $match = "spam"; $ans = "d";
+ }
+ $ans ||= $config->{"action"};
+ $match = "From" if got_match ($from, $dis_from);
+ $match = "Subject"
+ if $dis_subj && got_match ($subject, $dis_subj);
+ $match = "reason"
+ if $dis_reas && got_match ($reason, $dis_reas);
+ $ans ||= "d" if $match;
+ $ans = undef if (($ns_subj && $subject =~ $ns_subj) ||
+ ($ns_from && $from =~ $ns_from));
+ if ($ans && $match) {
+ if ($match eq "spam") {
+ print "Automatically discarded as spam.\n";
+ } else {
+ print "Automatically discarded due to matching $match\n";
+ }
+ $ans = "d";
+ }
+ my $def = $listdef;
+ $def = $change->{$id}->[0]
+ if defined $change->{$id};
+ my $pr = $prompt;
+ $pr .= " [" . uc($def) . "]" if $def;
+ $pr .= " ? ";
+ $ans ||= prompt ($pr);
+ $ans = "q" unless defined $ans;
+ $ans =~ s/\s+//g;
+ $ans = $def if $ans eq "" && defined $def;
+ $ans = lc $ans;
+ last msgloop if $ans eq "q";
+ next msgloop if $ans eq "s";
+ if ($ans =~ /^\d+$/ && $ans > 0 && $ans <= $count) {
+ $num = $ans - 1;
+ next msgloop;
+ }
+ if ($ans eq "a" || $ans eq "d") {
+ $change->{$id} = [ $ans ];
+ last;
+ } elsif ($ans eq "r") {
+ redo_reject:
+ my $def_reason = $info->{$id}{"rejreason"};
+ $def_reason = $change->{$id}->[1]
+ if defined $change->{$id} && $change->{$id}->[0] eq "r";
+ my $r = prompt ("Why do you reject? ", $def_reason);
+ if ($r =~ /^\s*$/) {
+ print "aborted\n";
+ next;
+ } elsif ($r =~ /^\s*(\?+|h|help)\s*$/i) {
+ print "The reason entered will be included in the e-mail ".
+ "sent to the submitter.\n";
+ goto redo_reject;
+ }
+ $change->{$id} = [ "r", $r ];
+ last;
+ } elsif ($ans eq "f") {
+ print $info->{$id}{"headers"}, "\n\n", $info->{$id}{"body"};
+ } elsif ($ans eq "b") {
+ my $head = lc $info->{$id}{"headers"};
+ my $text = $info->{$id}{"body"};
+ if ($head =~ m,content-type:\s+text/,) {
+ my $charset = "UNKNOWN";
+ if ($head =~ /charset="?(iso-8859-15?|us-ascii|utf-8)"?/) {
+ $charset = $1;
+ }
+ if ($head =~ /content-transfer-encoding:\s+quoted-print/) {
+ $text = MIME::QuotedPrint::decode($text);
+ } elsif ($head =~ /content-transfer-encoding:\s+base64/) {
+ $text = MIME::Base64::decode_base64($text);
+ }
+ $text = utf8_to_latin1 ($text) if $charset eq "utf-8";
+ }
+ my @lines = split (/\n/, $text, 21);
+ pop @lines;
+ print join ("\n", @lines), "\n";
+ } elsif ($ans eq "url") {
+ print mailman_url($list, $config->{adminurl},
+ $config->{user}), "\n";
+ } elsif ($ans eq "") {
+ # nothing.
+ } else {
+ print <<"end";
+Choose one of the following actions by typing the corresponding letter
+and pressing Return.
+ a Approve -- the message will be sent to all member of the list
+ r Reject -- notify sender that the message was rejected
+ d Discard -- throw message away, don't notify sender
+ s Skip -- don't decide now, leave it for later
+ b view Body -- display the first 20 lines of the message
+ f view Full -- display the complete message, including headers
+ # jump -- jump backward or forward to message number #
+ q Quit -- go on to the next list
+ print <<"end" if $listdef;
+The default action for this list when you only press Return is '$listdef'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub url_quote_parameter {
+ my $param = shift;
+ $param =~ s/(\W)/sprintf ("%%%02x", ord ($1))/ge;
+ $param;
+sub mailman_params {
+ my ($user, $pw) = @_;
+ my %params = ();
+ $params{"username"} = $user if defined $user;
+ $params{"adminpw"} = $pw if defined $pw;
+ return \%params;
+sub mailman_url {
+ my ($list, $pattern) = @_;
+ my ($lp, $domain) = split ('@', $list);
+ if ($pattern) {
+ my $url = $pattern;
+ my $subdom = $domain;
+ $subdom = $` if $subdom =~ /\./;
+ $url =~ s/\{list\}/$lp/g;
+ $url =~ s/\{domain\}/$domain/g;
+ $url =~ s/\{subdomain\}/$subdom/g;
+ return $url;
+ }
+ my $www = $domain;
+ if ($domain eq "lister.ping.uio.no") {
+ return "https://$domain/mailman/$domain/admindb/$lp";
+ } elsif ($domain =~ /^(\w+)\.uio\.no$/) {
+ $www = "$1-lists.uio.no";
+ } elsif ($domain eq "uio.no") {
+ $www = "uio-lists.uio.no";
+ } elsif ($hostname =~ /uio.no$/) {
+ # horrific. this default should be split into a site specific file.
+ $www = "lister.uio.no";
+ }
+ return "http://$www/mailman/admindb/$list";
+sub get_list {
+ my ($list, $url, $user, $pw) = @_;
+ # where we gather all the information about pending messages
+ my %data = ();
+ my $starttime = time;
+ my $page;
+ my $resp = $ua->post (mailman_url($list, $url), mailman_params($user, $pw));
+ $page = $resp->content;
+ # save it for eased debug for the developer...
+ if ($< == 1232 && open (DUMP, ">/tmp/dump-$list.html")) {
+ print DUMP $page;
+ close (DUMP);
+ }
+ unless ($resp->is_success) {
+ print STDERR $resp->error_as_HTML;
+ return ();
+ }
+ my $parse = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$page) || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("title") || die;
+ my $title = $parse->get_trimmed_text ("/title") || die;
+ if ($title =~ /authentication/i) {
+ print STDERR
+ "Unable to log in. Is your username and password correct?\n";
+ return ();
+ }
+ my $mmver;
+ $parse->get_tag ("hr");
+ $parse->get_tag ("h2") || return ();
+ my $headline = $parse->get_trimmed_text ("/h2") || die;
+ if ($headline =~ /subscription/i) {
+ parse_subscriptions ($parse, \%data);
+ my $token = $parse->get_token;
+ if (lc ($token->[1]) eq "input") {
+ return () unless parse_footer ($parse, \%data, $mmver);
+ return (\%data);
+ } else {
+ $parse->get_tag ("h2") || die;
+ $headline = $parse->get_trimmed_text ("/h2") || die;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($headline =~ /held for approval/i) {
+ $mmver = parse_approvals ($parse, \%data);
+ } else {
+ $parse->get_tag ("hr") || die;
+ my $token = $parse->get_token;
+ if ($token->[0] eq "S" && lc ($token->[1]) eq "center") {
+ $mmver = parse_approvals ($parse, \%data);
+ }
+ }
+ return () unless parse_footer ($parse, \%data, $mmver);
+ return (\%data);
+sub parse_subscriptions {
+ my ($parse, $data) = @_;
+ my $token;
+ $parse->get_tag ("table") || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die;
+ do {
+ parse_subscription ($parse, $data);
+ do {
+ $token = $parse->get_token;
+ } until ($token->[0] eq "S");
+ } while (lc ($token->[1]) eq "tr");
+sub parse_subscription {
+ my ($parse, $data) = @_;
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ my $address = $parse->get_trimmed_text ("/td") || die;
+ my $tag = $parse->get_tag ("input") || die;
+ my $id = $tag->[1]{"name"};
+ $parse->get_tag ("/table") || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("/tr") || die;
+ $data->{$id} = { "subscription" => $address };
+sub parse_approvals {
+ my ($parse, $data) = @_;
+ my $token;
+ my $mmver;
+ do {
+ $parse->get_tag ("table") || die;
+ my $ret = parse_approval ($parse, $data);
+ $mmver = $ret if $ret;
+ $parse->get_tag ("/table");
+ $parse->get_tag ("hr");
+ $token = $parse->get_token;
+ } until ($token->[0] eq "S" && lc ($token->[1]) eq "input");
+ return ($mmver);
+# NB! lossy!
+sub utf8_to_latin1 {
+ my ($s) = @_;
+ $s =~ s/([\x80-\xff][\x80-\xbf]*)/&utf8_to_latin1_char($1)/ge;
+ return $s;
+sub utf8_to_latin1_char {
+ my($first, @rest) = unpack('C*', $_[0]);
+ $first ^= 0xC2;
+ return chr($first * 0x40 + $rest[0]) if $first < 2 && @rest == 1;
+ # We simply remove the other codes, they obviously won't fit in Latin1.
+ return "";
+sub decode_rfc2047_qp {
+ my $text = shift;
+ $text =~ s/_/ /g;
+ return MIME::QuotedPrint::decode ($text);
+sub parse_approval {
+ my ($parse, $data) = @_;
+ my ($from, $reason, $subject, $id, $mmver, $body, $headers);
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ $from = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td");
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Reason: _or_ Subject:
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ my $field = $parse->get_trimmed_text ("/td");
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ if ($field =~ /Reason/) {
+ $mmver = 1.2;
+ $reason = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td");
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Subject:
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ $subject = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td");
+ } else {
+ $mmver = 2;
+ $subject = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td");
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Reason:
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ $reason = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td");
+ }
+ my $utf8 = 0;
+ # this will also decode invalid tokens, where the encoded word is
+ # concatenated with other letters, e.g. foo=?utf-8?q?=A0=F8?=
+ $subject =~ s/=\?(us-ascii|utf-8|iso-8859-15?)\?q\?(.*?)\?=/
+ decode_rfc2047_qp($2)/ieg;
+ $utf8 ||= 1 if defined $1 && $1 =~ /utf-8/i;
+ $subject =~ s/=\?(us-ascii|utf-8|iso-8859-15?)\?b\?(.*?)\?=/
+ MIME::Base64::decode_base64($2)/ieg;
+ $utf8 ||= 1 if defined $1 && $1 =~ /utf-8/i;
+ $subject = utf8_to_latin1 ($subject) if $utf8;
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Action:
+ my $tag = $parse->get_tag ("input") || die;
+ $id = $tag->[1]{"name"};
+ $data->{$id} = { "from" => $from,
+ "subject" => $subject,
+ "reason" => $reason };
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Reject _or_ Preserve message
+ if ($mmver >= 2) {
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # forward
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Reject
+ }
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ $data->{$id}->{"rejreason"} = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td") || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Message Excerpt _or_ Headers
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ $headers = $parse->get_text("/td");
+ $data->{$id}->{"spamscore"} = 0;
+ $data->{$id}->{"spamscore"} = length ($1)
+ if $headers =~ /^X-Spam-Level: (\*+)/im;
+ $data->{$id}->{"spamscore"} = length ($1)
+ if $headers =~ /^X-UiO-Spam-score: (s+)/m;
+ $data->{$id}->{"date"} = "<no date>";
+ $data->{$id}->{"date"} = $1
+ if $headers =~ /^Date: (.*)$/m;
+ if ($mmver == 2) {
+ $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Message Excerpt
+ $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
+ $parse->get_tag ("textarea") || die;
+ $body = $parse->get_text("/textarea");
+ } else {
+ $headers =~ s/\n\n//s;
+ $body = $';
+ $headers = $`;
+ }
+ $headers =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $body .= "\n" unless $body =~ /\n$/;
+ $data->{$id}->{"headers"} = $headers;
+ $data->{$id}->{"body"} = $body;
+ return ($mmver);
+sub parse_footer {
+ my ($parse, $data, $mmver) = @_;
+ $parse->get_tag ("address") || die;
+ my $text = $parse->get_trimmed_text ("/address") || die;
+ if ($text =~ /Mailman\s*v(ersion)? (\d+\.\d+)/) {
+ if ($mmver && $mmver != 0 + $2) {
+ print STDERR "Unknown version of Mailman. First I thought ",
+ "this was version $mmver.\n", "Now version ", 0 + $2,
+ " looks more likely. Help!\n";
+ return (0);
+ }
+ $mmver = 0 + $2;
+ }
+ if ($mmver == 2) {
+ $data->{"global"}{"actions"} = { "a" => 1,
+ "r" => 2,
+ "d" => 3,
+ "sa" => 4, # subscribe approve
+ "sr" => 2, # subscribe reject
+ };
+ } else {
+ $data->{"global"}{"actions"} = { "a" => 0,
+ "r" => 1,
+ "d" => 2,
+ "sa" => 1, # subscribe approve
+ "sr" => 0, # subscribe reject
+ };
+ }
+ return (1);
+# .listconf was the configuration file for the previous listadmin
+# script, which was written in Bash and simply sourced the file...
+sub upgrade_config {
+ my ($conf, $rc) = @_;
+ return if -f $rc;
+ return unless -f $conf;
+ print "Converting to new configuration file, $rc\n\n";
+ my $cmd = ". $conf; umask 077; (". <<'END' . ") > $rc";
+ printf "# automatically converted from .listconf\r\n";
+ printf "#\r\n";
+ printf "username $LISTUSER\r\n";
+ printf "password \"$LISTPASS\"\r\n";
+ printf "spamlevel 12\r\n";
+ printf "not_spam_if_from uio\.no\n";
+ printf "default discard\r\n";
+ printf "# uncomment the following to get a terse transaction log\r\n";
+ printf "# log \"~/.listadmin.log\"\r\n";
+ printf "\r\n";
+ for l in $LISTS; do printf "$l\r\n"; done
+ system $cmd;
+sub read_config {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my ($user, $pw, $spam, $list);
+ my $conf = {};
+ my $line = "";
+ my $subact;
+ my $subdef;
+ my $action = "";
+ my $default = "";
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $lineno = 0;
+ my $logfile;
+ my $confirm = 1;
+ my $url;
+ my %patterns = map { $_ => undef; }
+ qw (not_spam_if_from
+ not_spam_if_subject
+ discard_if_from
+ discard_if_subject
+ discard_if_reason);
+ my $pattern_keywords = join ("|", keys %patterns);
+ my %act = ("approve" => "a", "discard" => "d",
+ "reject" => "r", "skip" => "s", "none" => "");
+ my %sact = ("accept" => "a",
+ "reject" => "r", "skip" => "s", "none" => "");
+ return undef unless open (CONF, $file);
+ while (<CONF>) {
+ ++$lineno;
+ chomp;
+ s/\r$//;
+ next if /^\s*#/;
+ s/^\s+// if $line; # remove leading whitespace after continuation
+ if (/\\$/) {
+ $line .= $`; # $PREFIX
+ next;
+ }
+ $line .= $_;
+ $line =~ s/^\s+//;
+ next if /^$/;
+ if ($line =~ /^username\s+/i) {
+ $user = unquote ($'); # $POSTFIX
+ if ($user !~ /^[a-z0-9._+-]+\@[a-z0-9.-]+$/) {
+ print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal username: '$user'\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^password\s+/i) {
+ $pw = unquote ($');
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^spamlevel\s+/i) {
+ $spam = unquote ($');
+ if ($spam =~ /^(\d+)\s*$/) {
+ $spam = $1;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal value: '$spam'\n";
+ print STDERR "choose a positive numeric value\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^confirm\s+/i) {
+ $confirm = unquote ($');
+ if ($confirm eq "yes") {
+ $confirm = 1;
+ } elsif ($confirm eq "no") {
+ $confirm = undef;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal value: '$confirm'\n";
+ print STDERR "choose one of yes or no\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^action\s+/i) {
+ $action = unquote ($'); # $POSTFIX
+ unless (exists $act{$action}) {
+ print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal value: '$action'\n";
+ print STDERR "choose one of ",
+ join (", ", sort keys %act), "\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $action = $act{$action};
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^adminurl\s+/i) {
+ $url = unquote ($'); # $POSTFIX
+ $url = undef if $url eq "NONE"; # use UiO specific code
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^default\s+/i) {
+ $default = unquote ($'); # $POSTFIX
+ unless (exists $act{$default}) {
+ print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal value: '$default'\n";
+ print STDERR "choose one of ",
+ join (", ", sort keys %act), "\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $default = $act{$default};
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^log\s+/i) {
+ $logfile = unquote ($'); # $POSTFIX
+ $logfile =~ s,^\$HOME/,$ENV{'HOME'}/,;
+ $logfile =~ s,^~/,$ENV{'HOME'}/,;
+ $logfile =~ s,^~(\w+)/,(getpwnam($1))[7]."/",e;
+ if ($logfile =~ /^M:/i) {
+ $logfile =~ s,\\,/,g;
+ $logfile =~ s,^M:,$ENV{'HOME'},;
+ }
+ $logfile = undef if $logfile eq "none";
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^subscription_action\s+/) {
+ $subact = unquote ($');
+ unless (exists $sact{$subact}) {
+ print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal value: '$subact'\n";
+ print STDERR "choose one of ",
+ join (", ", sort keys %sact), "\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $subact = $sact{$subact};
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^subscription_default\s+/) {
+ $subdef = unquote ($');
+ unless (exists $sact{$subdef}) {
+ print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal value: '$subdef'\n";
+ print STDERR "choose one of ",
+ join (", ", sort keys %sact), "\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $subdef = $sact{$subdef};
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^($pattern_keywords)\s+/o) {
+ my $key = $1;
+ my $val = $'; # $POSTFIX
+ $val =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if ($val =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {
+ $val = $1;
+ $val =~ s/\\"/"/g;
+ $val =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
+ }
+ $patterns{$key} = ($val eq "NONE") ? undef : $val;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^([^@ \t]+@[^@])+\s*/) {
+ $conf->{$line} = { "user" => $user,
+ "password" => $pw,
+ "adminurl" => $url,
+ "spamlevel" => $spam,
+ "confirm" => $confirm,
+ "subact" => $subact,
+ "subdef" => $subdef,
+ "action" => $action,
+ "default" => $default,
+ "logfile" => $logfile,
+ %patterns,
+ "order" => ++$count,
+ };
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Syntax error: '$line'\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $line = "";
+ }
+ close (CONF);
+ return $conf;
+sub unquote {
+ my ($val) = @_;
+ $val =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if ($val =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {
+ $val = $1;
+ $val =~ s/\\"/"/g;
+ $val =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
+ }
+ return ($val);
+sub prompt_for_config {
+ my ($rc) = @_;
+ print "No configuration file found: $rc\n";
+ my $ans = prompt ("Do you want to create one? [yes] ");
+ print "\n";
+ if ($ans !~ /^\s*(|y|yes|j|ja)\s*$/i) {
+ print "I take that as a no. Goodbye!\n";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ umask 077;
+ unless (open (RC, ">$rc")) {
+ print STDERR "$rc: $!\n";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $user = prompt ("Enter Mailman username: ");
+ print "\n";
+ print RC "username $user\r\n";
+ my $pass = prompt ("Enter Mailman password (will appear on screen): ");
+ print "\n";
+ $pass =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+ print RC "password \"$pass\"\r\n";
+ print <<END;
+Listadmin can discard messages with a high spam score automatically.
+A value in the interval 5 to 12 is recommended.
+ my $spam = prompt ("What threshold do you want? [8]");
+ print "\n";
+ $spam =~ s/\s*//g;
+ $spam ||= "8";
+ if ($spam =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ print RC "spamlevel $spam\r\n";
+ } else {
+ print "No automatic discard will be done.\n";
+ }
+ my $extra = <<END;
+# If you uncomment the following you will only have to press Return
+# to discard a message:
+# default discard
+# Uncomment the following to get a terse transaction log:
+# log "~/.listadmin.log"
+ $extra =~ s/\n/\r\n/g;
+ print RC $extra;
+ print <<END;
+Now enter the addresses of the lists you maintain. End with an empty
+ my $list;
+ do {
+ $list = prompt ("> ");
+ print "\n";
+ $list =~ s/\s*//g;
+ print RC "$list\r\n" if $list;
+ } while ($list);
+ close (RC);
+ print <<END;
+The configuration has been saved in $rc.
+You can edit this file with an ordinary text editor, such as Notepad,
+Pico, or Emacs. To read about all the configuration options, run
+'man listadmin'.
+ return 1;
+sub commit_changes {
+ my ($list, $user, $pw, $url, $change, $msgs, $logfile) = @_;
+ my $baseurl = mailman_url ($list, $url);
+ my $action = $msgs->{"global"}{"actions"};
+ my $changes = 0;
+ my $update_total = scalar (keys %{$change});
+ my $update_count = 0;
+ my $params = mailman_params ($user, $pw);
+ my $log = log_timestamp ($list);
+ for my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$change}) {
+ my ($what, $text) = @{$change->{$id}};
+ $params->{$id} = $action->{$what};
+ unless ($what =~ /^s[ar]$/) {
+ # we don't log subscription approval or rejects
+ $log .= sprintf ("%s D:[%s] F:[%s] S:[%s]\n",
+ $what,
+ $msgs->{$id}{"date"},
+ $msgs->{$id}{"from"},
+ $msgs->{$id}{"subject"});
+ }
+ if ($what =~ /^s?r$/) {
+ $params->{"comment-$id"} = $text;
+ }
+ ++$changes;
+ # HTTP does not specify a maximum length for the URI in a GET
+ # request, but it recommends that a server does not rely on
+ # clients being able to send URIs larger than 255 octets. the
+ # reject reason can be very long, so theoretically, we can
+ # overshoot that limit even if we change the 500 below into
+ # 250. Mailman has been observed to reject URI's ~3400 octets
+ # long, but accept 8021. the limit is probably based on the
+ # time taken to process, rather than the length of the URI.
+ # in times with high load on the Mailman server, it's best to
+ # keep the amount of work per request down.
+ if ($changes > 50) {
+ $update_count += $changes;
+ printf("sending %d updates to server, %d left \r",
+ $changes, $update_total - $update_count);
+ submit_http ($baseurl, $params, $log, $logfile);
+ $log = log_timestamp ($list);
+ $changes = 0;
+ $params = mailman_params ($user, $pw);
+ # even if time has run out, we will always submit at least
+ # one batch of data.
+ if (time > $time_limit) {
+ print "\nTime's up, won't submit the other changes\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ submit_http ($baseurl, $params, $log, $logfile)
+ if $changes;
+ print (" " x 72, "\r") if $update_count > 0;
+sub log_timestamp {
+ my $list = shift;
+ my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = (localtime (time))[0..5];
+ return (sprintf ("submitting %s %04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d\n",
+ $list, $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec));
+sub submit_http {
+ my ($url, $params, $log, $logfile) = @_;
+ my $opened;
+ if ($logfile) {
+ if (open (LOG, ">>$logfile")) {
+ LOG->autoflush(1);
+ $opened = 1;
+ print LOG $log;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: Failed to append to $logfile: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my $ret = $ua->post ($url, $params);
+ print STDERR "server returned error\n", $ret->error_as_HTML, "\n"
+ unless $ret->is_success;
+ if ($opened) {
+ if ($ret->is_success) {
+ print LOG "changes sent to server\n";
+ } else {
+ print LOG "server returned error\n", $ret->error_as_HTML, "\n";
+ }
+ close (LOG);
+ }
+sub got_match {
+ my ($str, $pattern) = @_;
+ return undef unless defined ($str) && $pattern;
+ # If the pattern is delimited by slashes, run it directly ...
+ if ($pattern =~ m,^/(.*)/([ix]*)$,) {
+ eval "\$str =~ $pattern";
+ } else {
+ $str =~ $pattern;
+ }
+sub prompt {
+ # $term is a global variable. we initialise it here, so that it
+ # is only done if the user actually needs prompting.
+ $term = new Term::ReadLine 'listadmin'
+ unless $term;
+ return ($term->readline (@_));
+sub config_order {
+ $config->{$a}{order} <=> $config->{$b}{order};
diff --git a/listadmin.1 b/listadmin.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21eb788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/listadmin.1
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+.TH LISTADMIN 1 "20 Feb 2004"
+.\" turn off hyphenation
+.hy 0
+listadmin \- process messages held by Mailman for approval
+.B "listadmin [-f \fIconfigfile\fP] [-f \fIminutes\fP] [\fIlistname\fP]"
+.I listadmin
+is a textual alternative to Mailman's WWW interface for administering
+mailing lists.
+.IP "-f \fIconfigfile\fP"
+Fetch list of mailing lists from \fIconfigfile\fP rather than the
+default (\fB~/.listadmin.ini\fP).
+.IP "-t \fIminutes\fP"
+Stop processing after \fIminutes\fP has passed. Mostly useful for
+completely automated configurations of \fBlistadmin\fP.
+.IP "\fIlistname\fP"
+Only process the lists matching \fIlistname\fP. Specify a complete
+address, a substring or a regular expression.
+The configuration file contains lines which can contain either a
+comment, a directive, or a mailing list address.
+A line can be continued by putting a backslash character at the end of
+the line. Any leading whitespace on the following line is removed.
+Comments begin with the character # and extend to the end of line.
+Backslash continuation is not applied to comments.
+The argument to the directive can be put in double quotes to protect
+space characters. Inside double quotes, \\" can be used to include a \""
+literal double quote, and \\\\ for a literal backslash.
+A directive affects all the mailing lists addresses which follow after
+it in the configuration file. The directives are:
+.IP "username \fIusername\fP"
+Specifies the username to use for authentication.
+.IP "password \fIpassword\fP"
+Specifies the password to use for authentication.
+.IP "adminurl \fIurl\fP"
+The URL for maintaining Mailman requests. Some substitutions are
+performed: (examples below refer to the hypothetical list
+.IP "{list}"
+The local part of the list name, e.g., "foo-devel".
+.IP "{domain}"
+The domain part of the list name, e.g., "example.net".
+.IP "{subdomain}"
+The first component of the domain part, e.g., "example".
+.IP "default \fIaction\fP"
+Specifies the action to take when the user presses just Return.
+Available actions are:
+.IP "approve"
+The message will be sent to all member of the list.
+.IP "reject"
+Notify sender that the message was rejected.
+.IP "discard"
+Throw message away, don't notify sender.
+.IP "skip"
+Don't decide now, leave it for later.
+.IP "none"
+Reset to no default action.
+.IP "action \fIaction\fP"
+This action will be taken for all messages where none of the other
+rules apply (e.g., \fIspamlevel\fP, \fIdiscard_if_from\fP etc.), ie.,
+whenever the user would have been asked what to do. The same actions
+as for \fIdefault\fP are available, although reject isn't very useful.
+.IP "spamlevel \fInumber\fP"
+This specifies the threshold for automatic discard of suspected spam
+messages. 12 is unlikely to have false positives. No user
+confirmation is needed, so it is best to play it safe. Less than 5 is
+not recommended.
+.IP "not_spam_if_from \fIpattern\fP"
+If the message's From header matches the pattern, all automatic
+actions will be cancelled and you will be asked what action to take
+explicitly. The pattern can use Perl regexp syntax. If enclosed in
+slashes, some modifiers can be added, a typical example being
+\fB/pattern/i\fP to match case-insensitively.
+.IP "not_spam_if_subject \fIpattern\fP"
+As above, but matches against the Subject header.
+.IP "discard_if_from \fIpattern\fP"
+If the message's From header matches the pattern, it will be discarded
+.IP "discard_if_subject \fIpattern\fP"
+As above, but matches against the Subject header.
+.IP "discard_if_reason \fIpattern\fP"
+As above, but matches against Mailman's reason for holding the message
+for approval.
+.IP "subscription_default \fIaction\fP"
+Specifies the action to take when the user presses just Return while
+processing subscriptions. Available actions are:
+.IP "accept"
+The new subscriber will be added.
+.IP "reject"
+Notify sender that s/he was not allowed to join the list.
+.IP "skip"
+Don't decide now, leave it for later.
+.IP "none"
+Reset to no default action.
+.IP "subscription_action \fIaction\fP"
+This action will be taken \fBalways\fP for all new subscribers in the
+relevant lists, no user interaction will take place. The same actions
+as for \fIsubscription_default\fP are available, although only skip is
+very useful. It is better to get automatic accept and reject
+behaviour by changing the Mailman configuration.
+.IP "confirm \fIyes|no\fP"
+Before submitting changes, ask for confirmation. Default is "yes".
+.IP "log \fIfilename\fP"
+Changes submitted to the web interface are logged. All the changes
+for one list are sent in batches at the end of processing. The format
+in the log is first a line containing the list name and a time stamp
+in local time. Then one line for each message, in the format
+\fIaction\fP D:[\fIdate\fP] F:[\fIsender\fP] S:[\fIsubject\fP]
+This batch of lines are terminated by a line saying \fBchanges sent to
+The filename \fBnone\fP turns off logging.
+An example configuration file:
+.ta +3m +4n
+ # A comment, it must appear on a line by itself.
+ #
+ # Settings affect all lists being listed after it.
+ username jdoe
+ password Geheim
+ default discard
+ # This one works for Sourceforge:
+ adminurl http://{domain}/lists/admindb/{list}
+ slartibartfast@lists.sourceforge.net
+ # This is how the default Mailman URLs look:
+ adminurl http://{domain}/mailman/admindb/{list}
+ # If the password contains quotes or spaces, you may need
+ # to put it in quotes. A complex example:
+ password "\\"lise\\\\ "\""
+ # These lists will still use the username [jdoe], but the
+ # password is now ["lise\\ ].\""
+ default approve
+ discard_if_reason "Message has implicit|Too many recipients"
+ discard_if_from ^(postmaster|mailer(-daemon)?|listproc|no-reply)@
+ foo-devel@example.net
+ # No one should ever send e-mail to the next list, so throw it
+ # all away, without asking any questions
+ action discard
+ confirm no
+ foo-announce@example.net
+The default configuration file.
+The default behaviour with no adminurl specified in the configuration
+file is only useful at the University of Oslo.
+The SpamAssassin score is fetched from the header X-Spam-Level, the
+value is the number of asterisks following. It will also check a
+header specific to the University of Oslo. If this does not match
+your setup, you will need to change the Perl code. I'd be interested
+in ideas on how to best make this configurable.
+The HTML parser is quite fragile and depends on Mailman not to change
+the format of its generated code.
+Kjetil T. Homme <kjetilho+listadmin@ifi.uio.no>
+Send bug reports or feature requests to postmaster@uio.no